Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Really chuffed to see my 'Home' banner sample for the Home Sweet Home Cutting Craftorium USB being shared in the latest edition of the Create and Craft club magazine

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

New Cutting Craftorium USB launching tomorrow 13th July at 8am UK time on Create and Craft

 This Train is huge (I had a problem fitting it into the photo area as you can see)

 I love these blocks, you get the whole alphabet, numbers and shapes so easy to put together I glittered the centre motif

 This bottle is a really good size, I used doflex for the teat and sprayed with a soft sheen

Unfortunately this was damaged in transit so won't be able to be shown on screen but it is a really lovely crib. You can use the cut out design on both ends if you wish I chose to just use on the canopy end.I covered it with Vellum (the same I used for the canopy) and added bright lights to enhance the pattern.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Sneak Peek!! New Cutting Crftorium USB

This Thursday 13th July at 8am UK time on Create and Craft a new Cutting Craftorium USB - Play